About Us

Our Mission & Vision


We at Trenchless Toolbox are committed to bring the latest and most appropriate technology and products to the Indian Market and provide solutions to the end user contractor. This includes HDD Rig, Quality underground tooling, latest locating system, mud mixing and recycling systems, mud additives and chemicals and most importantly required experts and specialists to train crew on correct techniques and solutions apart from advising and selling them.

Why Us?

Experince matters...

We have been in the business of Trenchless Technology in general and HDD in particular for more than a decade and understand its dynamics well from contractor as well as client perspective. HDD industry in India is maturing fast and need of the hour is to approach it from a holistic perspective and not sell just product but solutions to the contractors/ end customers. We are committed to unparalleled customer service and support to make sure our customers are successful in their jobs.

We Offer :